General conditions of enrollment to IP Formación Profesional, S.L. (the School)

Address: IP Formación  Profesional, S.L. – Plaza del Duque de Medinaceli, 6, Local – 08002 Barcelona. CIF: B44645463. Teléfono: +34 933186591,, e-mail [email protected], website

General conditions of enrollment and studies

Preliminary. Acceptance of these Contracting Conditions:

By signing the Enrollment Sheet and making the reservation payment or any other payment for any course or program (hereinafter the course hiring), the Student accepts, as the taker of the course or program, the following terms and conditions:

1.1. Generally, the terms and conditions published at the time of course hiring on the School’s website, in the section General Conditions of Enrollment and Studies.

1.2 Specifically; the terms and conditions (Particular Conditions) that the School has communicated to the Student individually prior to the course hiring.

  1. The price of the course/program includes:

Registration, other course material consisting of information about the contracted course/program, some cultural activities, internet and WIFI access at the School, access to the library service, general legal inquiries about the study visa, and a certificate of course attendance. In the first course, you will receive a certificate of accomplishment of the first course.

For curricular practices, the school may facilitate, under the legal terms applicable at all times, introduction contacts with companies or entities that may be interested, without a hiring commitment or obligation on the part of the school, in accordance with the provisions of Organic Law 3/2022 on the Organization and Integration of Professional Training and other applicable regulations.

  1. The price of the course/program does NOT include:

Books, administrative fees for obtaining the title at the end of 2 courses, repetition of subject in case of failing it in the first year of the course, residence and/or Student’s stay and accommodation expenses (guidelines can be provided regarding the existing offer known by the School), trips to/from the airport, travel and stay insurance, some of the activities of the cultural program. Any material, service, expense not expressly included in the previous section 3.2.

  1. Reservation and Payment Method

4.1 Registration and Reservation Form

The payment of the courses can be made in a total payment or in monthly, quarterly, or semiannual installments. In the courses/programs in which the Student requires obtaining a visa to enter Spain to undertake the studies, the full payment must be made in advance before the course begins.

To proceed with the pre-enrollment, it is essential to attach the Registration Form, duly completed by the Student, published on the School’s website, by email to [email protected], along with:

4.1.1 The proof of payment into the corresponding bank account, cash payment according to the current regulations, or by credit/debit card.

4.1.2 Copy of Passport (passport validity over 12 months) / Residence Card / Stay Card / NIE / DNI, valid and current

4.1.3 Academic record of the student and legalized copy of their current academic qualifications and especially those valid in Spain.

4.2 Reservation and Enrollment Confirmation. Payment.

Upon receiving the Registration Form with the reservation/payment on account of the course/program (full payment simultaneous with the sending of the Registration Form in the case of a Student who requires obtaining a visa to enter Spain to undertake the studies), the School reviews the Registration Form, checks the deposit/reservation/partial payment/full payment, and confirms the reservation and pre-enrollment to the Student


  1. Refund of Amounts. Attendance at a Future Course

5.1 The School does not refund amounts received by deposit, reservation, and/or as a partial or total price of a course/program under any concept, except if the course/program is not taught due to reasons solely attributable to the School, or the School does not accept the pre-registration; in the latter case, the reservation amount will be refunded. This will only be possible for students who need to apply for a student visa if the visa denial occurs, at least, four weeks before the start of the course. In this case, everything except the reservation fee – 500 euros will be refunded.

Refunds will be made between 30 and 90 natural days once the requested forms have been completed and the confirmation email with the processing date has been received.

However, the school offers the possibility that the student can take the course online (with its own qualification)

5.2 The School will not refund any amount if the Student starts but does not finish the course/program.

  1. Coexistence

6.1 In the event of acts of violence or disrespect towards other Students, teachers, or internal or external staff of the School, for reasons including but not limited to ideology, religion, gender, or sexual orientation, the School may expel the Student in all cases with loss of amounts paid and without further obligation for the School.

6.2 Personal, private, or extracurricular conflicts are not within the competence of the School. The school does not respond to such requirements nor accepts the sending of chats, emails, or telephone calls that contain sensitive and personal information, which may compromise the Student or the School.

  1. Attendance

7.1 The School will place the Student in a Course according to the chosen cycle and in the attendance schedule established in the registration. It will be the single schedule in each cycle and course without the possibility of modification.

7.2 If the Student is absent and does not attend classes for any reason unrelated to the School, such classes cannot be recovered or discounted.

7.3 In the case of Students who have obtained an administrative permit to stay in Spain based on a study visa, whether requested in origin or in Spain, the Student’s regular failure to attend class gives the School the right not to issue a certificate of achievement at the end of the course/program. This fact implies the loss for the Student of the amounts paid, without any commitment on the part of the School. It is recalled that, to access the certificate of achievement tests for the purposes of renewing the immigration stay permit, the administrative authority requires at least 80% face-to-face attendance in classes.

7.4 Only in case of general confinement of the population or another cause of public order and/or by imperative of the authority, classes might switch to being online under the legal terms that are applicable.

  1. Repetition of Subjects, Recovery of Classes, and Exams

In the event of failing a training unit, both for reasons of insufficient attendance and for not passing exams, the subject can be repeated in the second year of the course under the applicable legal terms. The repetition of subjects is not included in the price.

  1. Insurance

All Students of the School are covered by a liability insurance policy for accidents occurring within the School’s classroom local. The School is not responsible for accidents caused by any reason outside the School’s classroom local (in accommodations, excursions, or any other), nor for the theft or loss of personal items in the School’s facilities or illnesses, both inside and outside the School. Therefore, an accident and health insurance policy must be contracted in the country of origin and/or Spain valid for the entire stay of the Student in Spain.

  1. Visas. School Enrollment Certificate for Visa Application

EU nationals or residents in the EU Schengen area do not need, except in exceptional circumstances, any type of visa to attend courses (without prejudice to them having to process their stay in Spain in a timely and proper manner). Non-EU nationals or non-residents in Schengen countries must obtain information about the visa needed to study in Spain, at the Embassy or Consulate of Spain in their country of residence.

If the Student requests a confirmation letter from the School to apply for a visa, the total payment for the course/program and accommodation must be made before the School provides the requested documentation. This payment can be made by bank transfer, credit card, or in another form by which said payment is accredited as received by the School in a timely and proper manner.

All courses begin in September of each year. Although depending on the circumstances of the course, there is the possibility of joining the course at different dates, depending on the start of the different subjects and at the discretionary criteria of the school.

11. Renewal Policy and Obtaining the IBP Certificate (Course Completion Certificate):

Once the course is completed, the student may request the Certificate of Completion. To do so, it is necessary to make a prior appointment by informing the School’s administration through the following email: [email protected]. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in cases of lack of physical attendance due to force majeure – arising after the start of the face-to-face course, and/or if for a sufficient and justified reason there is an occasional absence, – the School, to issue a certificate of completion and attendance to the course, will carry out a preliminary assessment of the student’s personal circumstances and academic achievement.

The certificate is issued based on the results of the exams for each Training Unit along with fulfilling a minimum physical attendance requirement of 80%.

12. General

12.1 Complaint Forms. The School provides Complaint Forms according to the official model to students or their legal representatives.

12.2 Personal Data. The School will process the student’s personal data in accordance with current regulations on personal data protection and has a personal data file as set out in Law 15/1999 on Personal Data Protection and applicable regulations. By signing this document, the student authorizes the School to:

12.2.1 Process their personal data in the School’s files for the necessary administrative and academic management for organizing and developing the School’s activity and to transfer them to third parties only within the scope of the School’s management, administrative, commercial, financial and tax, and training scope. The student authorizes the transfer and communication of their data to public and private entities that collaborate with the School.

12.2.2 Publish in the School’s catalogs/advertising graphics/videos/web/social networks/internet/various graphic and audiovisual material of activities in the School in which images of the student may appear. Images will not be used for purposes other than those expressed, nor will they be transferred to third parties unless authorized for data processing by the School.

12.2.3 The student can exercise the rights of access, rectification, and cancellation, under applicable legal conditions, by sending a letter to the School/attention of the Academic Secretary, Plaza del Duque de Medinaceli 6 Local, 08002 Barcelona, Spain, or via email to [email protected].

12.3 Applicable Law. Jurisdiction. Spanish law applies to all relations between the student and the School, and/or between service contractors with the School. For any discrepancy arising from the relationships between the student and the School, and/or between service contractors with the School, its interpretation, execution, and compliance, all parties, with the intent to obligate themselves and expressly waiving any other jurisdiction, submit to the jurisdiction of the Courts of Barcelona.

12.4 Validity and Scope of Application of These General Conditions. These General Conditions, together with the Specific Conditions established in the contracted program/course provided to the student, form the Teaching Contract that regulates the relationship between the School and the student.

These General Conditions will apply to any course contracted by the student from the date of its publication on the School’s website, as long as they are not modified and such modification is published on the School’s website, without prejudice to the application of the Specific Conditions of each course with its specific program or between the School and the student in each case.

When these General Conditions are modified, they will be updated and published on the School’s website; the date of entry into force for all legal purposes of any variation being the date of its publication on the School’s website.

12.5 On the School’s website, the student has access to an informational brochure of courses and programs and other academic and administrative information about them. In any case, the payment of the reservation or any other amount towards a course/program implies the express acceptance of these General Conditions and the Teaching Contract by the student without further requirements.

12.6 These General Conditions of Contracting and their subsequent updates will be regularly deposited in the Commercial Register of the social domicile of the School.

Sofía Pariente Buzón (director)