Check out scenes from our Welcome Party


Hello, everyone! We want to thank each one of you for being part of our incredible welcome party for IBP Formación Profesional and Bcnlip at Carrer de Provença. It was a total success, and we’re thrilled to have shared this moment with all of you!

We had a blast with delicious food, refreshing drinks, and an animated karaoke that had us laughing and singing. Additionally, we held a special draw for a 20% discount for new students, and we’re happy to announce that the winner is Erzhena Badmaeva! Congratulations!

To relive these unforgettable moments, we invite you to view all the photos from the party in our album on social media.

Thank you for being part of this evening filled with positive energy, laughter, and special moments. We look forward to seeing you at our future events and extend a warm welcome to those joining this great learning family.

Until next time!

BCN Opener

On Saturday July 27th we will celebrate a very special event: BCN Opener. This is an event aimed at entrepreneurs and creative people. We will

End of course paella

A week ago, our teacher Lluís delighted us with a delicious vegan paella to celebrate the end of IBP course 2023-24 and Bcnlip university preparation