Talk with DRH Lindersvold


🤓 Last week at IBP Formación Profesional, we had the delightful visit of Katie Noyed, outreach coordinator of DRH Lindersvold – The Traveling School for Change. This is a Danish non-profit organization with the mission to inspire and empower ordinary people to take action against global poverty. 🤝🌍 Katie told us about the international collaborative work that DRH Lindersvold carries out in countries such as Zambia and India. Many thanks to everyone who attended the talk and, of course, to Katie and DRH Lindersvold!

BCN Opener

On Saturday July 27th we will celebrate a very special event: BCN Opener. This is an event aimed at entrepreneurs and creative people. We will

End of course paella

A week ago, our teacher Lluís delighted us with a delicious vegan paella to celebrate the end of IBP course 2023-24 and Bcnlip university preparation