Catalan/Español + Business

Combine 8 hours per week of intensive Catalán/Spanish classes with 12 hours per week of business courses

This unique program combines 8 weekly hours of intensive Catalan or Spanish classes with 12 weekly hours of business courses focused on different specialties: Administration and Finance, International Commerce, and Marketing and Advertising.

Designed especially for those who want to continue their Catalan/Spanish learning journey while also adding subjects related to the business world, this course is an excellent opportunity for professional and academic growth. 

The course can be processed through a study visa if you are abroad, or if you are already in Spain, you can extend your stay as a student.

  • Start: From September to January 
  • Registration: Open all year
  • You may validate the subjects you have studied and continue with higher vocational training in the following year.


  • Option 1: from 1 to 6 p.m. 
  • Option 2: from 4 to 9 p.m.



  • MP3: International Means of Payments (132 hours total, 4h/wk) esp+English
  • MP5: International Transport of Goods (132 hours in total, 4h/wk)
  • MP9: International Negotiation (66h in total, 2h/wk)
  • MP10: International Digital Commerce (66 hours in total, 2h/wk)




  • MP7: Digital Marketing (165 hours total, 5h/wk)
  • MP8: Communication Media and Supports (99 hours total, 3h/wk)
  • MP15: Design Programs (4h/wk)


1 year
2,900 1 year
  • Renovation discount for Bcnlip students: 1 year for only 2,500€


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