7 questions about student visa and the NIE card

Spain has become one of the preferred destinations for students from around the world, thanks to its rich culture, history, and excellent educational institutions. However, before embarking on this exciting adventure, it is essential to be well-informed about the process of obtaining a study visa. Below, we present the seven most frequently asked questions on this topic and their answers.

How do I obtain a study visa for Spain?

To obtain a study visa, you first need to have been admitted to an educational institution in Spain. Then, you must submit your application at the Consulate of Spain in your home country, providing the required documentation, which includes, among other things, the admission certificate, proof of course payment, a criminal record certificate, health insurance, and evidence of sufficient financial means.

You can also apply to change your tourist visa to a study stay if you are already in Spain. In this case, it is advisable to start the procedure before reaching 30 days in the country, in case your tourist visa is for 90 days.

What is the difference between the NIE and the study visa?

The study visa allows you to enter and stay in Spain for a specific period with the purpose of studying. On the other hand, the NIE (Número de Identidad de Extranjero, or Foreigner Identity Number) is a unique identification number for foreigners and is mandatory for those who will stay in Spain for more than 3 months. The NIE is obtained once you are already in Spain and is essential for procedures such as opening a bank account.

How do I renew my study stay?

Renewal must be requested during the 60 days prior to the expiration of your current study stay and no later than 90 days after its expiration. It is advisable to do it as soon as possible to avoid unforeseen issues. You will need to demonstrate that you continue to meet the original requirements, that you have passed the studies for which the previous visa was granted, and that you have financial means.

What does the government recommend to foreigners who want to obtain a study visa?

It is essential to start the process well in advance, as it can take several weeks. Also, it is crucial to ensure that you meet all the requirements and have all the necessary documentation at the time of application. Failing to submit the correct documentation can result in delays or denials.

Do I need health insurance?

Yes, you will need health insurance that provides full coverage in Spain, with no co-payments, for the entire duration of your studies.

What is the maximum time I can stay in Spain with a study visa?

A study visa is granted for the duration of the course you enrolled in, with a maximum of one year. However, you can renew it annually if you continue studying and meet the requirements.

Should I consult with the consulate of my country before applying for a study visa in Spain?

Yes, it is highly recommended. Each country may have specific requirements or additional documentation that you need to submit. Consulting with your consulate ensures that you will have all the relevant and updated information before starting the process.

Obtaining a study visa for Spain is a process that, although it may seem complicated, becomes simpler when you are clear about the steps to follow and are well-informed. It is crucial to do your homework, research, and prepare all the necessary documents in advance. And, of course, make the most of your educational experience in Spain!

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