Online session: Live, work and study in Barcelona!

This Thursday May 30 we will hold a FREE online session: Live, work and study in Barcelona✈. The school will have a guest who will tell us how it was to make this decision🙌, he will talk about the whole process, the details and the secrets! 😉You will be able to ask questions, solve your concerns and make the decision 💥. 


🎓 The schedule of the session was specially designed for Latin America: 17:00 Mexico, 18:00 Colombia/Peru and 20:00 Argentina. If you would like to participate, sign up at the link below ✈

BCN Opener

On Saturday July 27th we will celebrate a very special event: BCN Opener. This is an event aimed at entrepreneurs and creative people. We will

End of course paella

A week ago, our teacher Lluís delighted us with a delicious vegan paella to celebrate the end of IBP course 2023-24 and Bcnlip university preparation